ONSITE & In-house Gas Detection Calibration Service Providers

Service & Support facility

At J Thadhani & Co, we supply, install, calibrate at site and stand behind all our products sold, and our after-sale service and support are legendary in all industrial sectors.

We provide services all over South India. Our Service Centre is fully equipped with Spares, Calibration kits; adequate communication facilities and well-trained and experienced engineers offer excellent services and troubleshoot on emergencies. Hence we are able to render best services to all our customers.

J THADHANI & Co has continuously demonstrated as unswerving commitment to the application of the latest technological products and allied services.

Types of Services offered

  • Installation of equipment
  • Laying of cables and structural support required for Installation of the equipment
  • Equipment commissioning at site along with field calibration and training of personnel
  • Periodical Calibration
  • Annual Maintenance agreement for hassle-free functioning of every equipment
  • In-house service of all products falling under the safety & environment domain.


Regular calibration is the only way to be certain that a detector is fully functional. Moreover, a standing policy for regular calibration sets the tone for a safety-conscious work environment and indicates to workers that safety is a priority. As a result, workers may be more likely to keep safety principles in mind throughout the workday,” says the OSHA guidance.

The agency reminds users that a “written record of calibration should be kept for the life of each instrument. This record allows users to quickly identify an instrument that has a history of excessive maintenance/repair or is prone to erratic readings.


The Applications support Laboratory offers On-site calibration for all stationary gas detectors, gas analyzers and other monitoring instruments. The Portable instruments are mostly calibrated at our in-house facility except some gas detectors that are submitted for calibration along with fixed gas detectors.

All gas detectors/analyzers are calibrated in accordance with the International Standard ISO / IEC : 17025 : 20 and calibration certificates are issued with duration of validity as per manufacture’s recommendation. A Traceability certificate accompanies each Calibration certificate.

Instruments Calibrated


·       Portable & Stationary gas detectors of all international and domestic brands for all gases.

·       Portable Gas analyzers

·       Breathe alcohol meters

·       Sound level meters,

·       Lux meters

·       Anemometers

J THADHANI & Co has a rich repository of best practices, frameworks, methodologies, collective experience and competencies gained over the years through a range of products. We leverage this expertise and knowledge base to proactively conceive and offer solutions and services for making the products and services competitive.

For all your Instrumentation requirement, Installation support, maintenance and periodical calibration, please contact us at

Service : serviceteam@thadhanisafety.com


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